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15th IPMS Invitationals Cosplay Competition

Visit the Summer Capital of the Philippines Baguio City this summer and enjoy cosplay!  The 15th IPMS COSPLAY COMPETITION is happening on April 7, 2019 at SM Ciy Baguio with the theme Video Games.

What to Expect During the 15th IPMS Invitationals Cosplay Competition?

If you are a cosplayer then the best thing to do is of course to cosplay.  Participate in their cosplay competition on April 7.  Cosplayers need to be cosplaying anything from console games, handheld games, and PC games.

Categories for the competition are SOLO and GROUP.  You can regiser online from February 20 to April 3, 2019 only.  Registration form for the 15th UPMS Invitationals Cosplay Competition can be downloaded here.

Awards and Judging

There will be a total of 10 Awards to be given during the competition which are as follows:

  1. Gold Medal
    • Solo
    • Group
  2. Silver Medal
    • a. Solo
    • d. Group
  3. Bronze Medal
    • a. Solo
    • d. Group
  4. President's Choice Award
  5. IPMS Choice Award
  6. People’s Choice Award
  7. PS4 Game Exclusive  Choice  Award
  8. Xbox Game Exclusive  Choice  Award
  9. Nintendo Game Exclusive  Choice  Award
  10. PC Game Exclusive  Choice  Award

The Solo Cosplay Competition will be judged with the following criteria:
  • COSTUME ACCURACY (30%) - The meticulousness of the details of the costume presented is reflected from the reference submitted.
  • COSTUME INTRICACY (25%) - The level of complexity of the costume's details presented and executed in its construction or stitching.
  • CHARACTERIZATION (20%) - If the participant personifies the character through their actions, mannerisms, language, and other characteristics distinct to the character.
  • PERFORMANCE (20%) - The routine executed should portray what the participant's character is as an individual from their respective show, comic, and the like.
  • AUDIENCE IMPACT (5%) - The overall impression of the audience and judges towards the participant's routine.
The Group Cosplay Competition will be judged with the following criteria:
  • ACCURACY OF INDIVIDUAL COSTUMES (40%) – Must be able to copy the exact output of the costume of the character being portrayed.
  • CREATIVITY OF INDIVIDUAL COSTUMES (20%) - Must be able to show the craftwork of how the costume was made to accurately copy the costume of the character being portrayed.
  • GROUP PERFORMANCE (50%) - Must be able to show teamwork, cooperation, coordination, and emotion of the skit being presented.
  • AUDIENCE IMPACT (10%) - The overall impression of the audience and judges towards the participant's routine.
For more information about the 15th IPMS Invitationals Cosplay Competition, you can visit the links below:

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