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The Road to Kratos God of War Dominus Skin Cosplay

I am lucky to have known YnNoK's Dress Shop and of course Koni Pateña, Cheng and Edea. Way back November 2010, when I saw Kratos from the God of War, I told myself that this character would suit me. The only problem really was I was not lean enough nor barbarian like in built to be an authentic Kratos. I also don't have the money to pay for such an intricate costume. Thanks to YnNoK's Dress Shop, this dream will become possible.

YnNoK's Dress Shop, is one of the known dress shops which caters to cosplayers. They make intricate costumes and also armor and weapons. What is good about YnNoK's is the fact that they give their clients a basic lecture about cosplaying and also give very helpful tips on what to do. They do this not only to earn but also to contribute to the cosplay community.

It was not easy for them to convince sponsoring part of the cost for the Kratos costume but after a brief talk they said yes. They were very honest about my body and well they also told me that they will do what they can.

Making the costume was not easy and when the fitting schedule came, I was surprised to see the degree of work given to the costume. It was more than what I expected. It was their desire to really create a quality costume that made them decide to give Kratos' Dominus Skin a more authentic look.

The fitting session was long and aims to really make a well fitted and suitable costume for their clients. I can say that YnNoK's cares a lot for their clients and wants to see to it that they will be well suited for their costume. They cook very well too... and I enjoyed the food.

Well here are some more shots of the Kratos God of War Dominus Skin Cosplay fitting session I had with them.

If you are looking for a shop that can create cosplay costumes and accessories then try YnNoK's Dress Shop. Do add them on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ynnoks.

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